A mischievous race, blessed with the ability to assume the guise of any other humanoid. Little is known about when they entered the world, for they were made in secret and made no lands of their own. Many have become masters of politics and intrigue, others thieves extraordinaire, others simply live out their lives nobody aware of what they truly are.
Borne Out of Trickery
The Mirrorling were created purely out of Olimicks mischief. In their 'true' form, Mirrorling are tall thin humanoids, with slender long limbs and silvery skin. In this form they faces are featureless, with the exception of their eyes which are also featureless and work as mirrors. In their true forms it is impossible to distinguish two Mirrorling as they are truly identical. The true form is utterly genderless and hence cannot be used for reproductive purposes, In order to have children they must assume the form of another humanoid. Mirrorling are in fact the only race capable of breeding with other races, though the children are always changeling. A changeling who is bearing a child loses the ability to shape change. The form that the changeling is borne into becomes their 'natural' form and it is often the form that they choose to consider their own form.
The Great Deception
The divine trickster Olimick created the Mirrorling as a trick to the other gods, perhaps he intended the that at some-point that there would be no other races, this never came to fruition. The individual Mirrorling became far more interested in their own individual deceptions to pursue some grand scheme. All Mirrorling have a great love of lying, cheating and otherwise misleading everyone they come into contact with.
Silver Tongues and Silver Palms
In general Mirrorling have a great love of conversation, debate and banter. After all, there is nothing more enjoyable than a verbal deception. This combined with innate ability to deceive makes them incredibly skilled diplomats and politicians. Mirrorling are obsessed with the accumulation of wealth and the gaining of prestige, though they are rarely seeking fame. Thus it is likely a Changeling will seek out a career that provides them with both a high salary and a the respect and admiration of their colleagues, not just once but several times, in different fields. Many Mirrorling also put their talents to use becoming traveling merchants, always getting a favourable reception as they appear as the right race for the destination, this allows the establishment of trade routes as that link otherwise disparate societies such as the dark races with the surface dwellers.
The Truthless Voice
Mirrorling are compelled to lie, even to the point where they will deceive even in trivial cases amongst friends, like trying to conceal the content of a meal they just enjoyed. This is even more true when it comes to important details about a Mirrorling life. Trying to extract details such as age, parentage, even trying to discover their 'natural' form is as hard as distinguishing between two Mirrorling. This has a serious effect on how they interact with others around them, but also on how they perceive themselves. Mirrorling have no tongue of their own, but have a voracity for learning new tongues, and a skill for affecting accents.
Weavers of Falsehood
The secret of the arcane were quickly stolen from the Elves, long before Mysth taught all races the Arts. Unsurprisingly they had a talent for Illusion and Transmutation Schools. Their interactions with the dark creatures though taught the Mirrorling the secrets of Caris' Shadow Magic, though they quickly learnt of the dangers of its' use.
The Fickle Friend
To a Changeling, relationships are a rapidly changing concept. They adopt different personalities with their different forms, and associate within different groups. You may be friends with a Changling in one of their forms, but an enemy with another. This reflects on the psyche of the Changeling underneath the masks, the form friendships quickly, but are also quick to abandon them.
True Names, and the Rite of Truth
The life of a changeling is not just a quest for wealth and prestige, it is also a quest for truth; the truth of who they are. The first step in this journey is what makes an adult changeling; the ability to assume the true form. Often even before they learn to walk, a changeling begins to manifest their ability to shapechange, but assuming the true form alludes them for the first 10 or so years of their lives. The remaining half-century is filled with another quest, the search for their True Name.
Lip Service to the Divine
The Mirrorling don't really offer prayer to any gods, some may offer praise to Olimick, others observe the rites of Worpul. All though are willing to offer lip-service to the divine in order to maintain an identity.
Changeling Souls
The soul of a changeling drives them to their deceptions, and makes them fickle like their Gods. The soul of a changeling equips them with their infamous silvered tongues, and is also what drives their search for truth.
The Philosophies of Deceit
When one lives their life to deceive even the gods themselves, they inevitably consider the nature of their role in the world. Traditionally mirrorlings fell into one of three schools of thought, but the generation born after the breaking challenged the accepted schools and strived anew to find the truth of reality and their position in it.
Sleepers. Some Mirrorling conclude that they should serve the purpose of their creation, to slowly transform all Mortals into Mirrorling. From this, they conclude that the path they need to walk is one of abstinence, refusing the use of their powers of shape-shifting, and pretending to be of another race. Sleepers enforce their beliefs on their children, as their powers also betray them.
Collectors. Many Mirrorling in the pre-breaking world adopted the philosophy that it was their prerogative to live as many lives to the full. Such Mirrorling built up a roster of alternative forms, and measured their skill by how many such forms can be kept 'active' at any given time.
Tricksters. Considered extremists amongst their kind, Tricksters make no effort to establish permanent forms, instead preferring to live their lives in as many forms as possible. Tricksters use their powers so often that they find it hard to assume a single form.
Seekers. Many born after the breaking questioned the interpretations of their forebears, and instead concluded that, much like how they seek out their true name, they should also persue their true form. Unlike the older schools, Seekers have a stronger sense of self, and resist the urge for rampant deception. To a seeker the old schools are a dismissal of self for the sake of deception, and the seekers rebel against that concept.
True Changeling. Finally, though very few in number, some Mirrorling took the quest for self of the Seekers school, and took it in the direction of changeling solidarity. Their changeling form was the true form, their true name the only name they needed. True Mirrorling would use their 'true' form, and true name as their general form, and only utilised their shapeshifting powers sparingly. True Mirrorling consider those of the other schools as hiding away from their heritage, and thus consider them inferior.
Tricksters. Considered extremists amongst their kind, Tricksters make no effort to establish permanent forms, instead preferring to live their lives in as many forms as possible. Tricksters use their powers so often that they find it hard to assume a single form.
Seekers. Many born after the breaking questioned the interpretations of their forebears, and instead concluded that, much like how they seek out their true name, they should also persue their true form. Unlike the older schools, Seekers have a stronger sense of self, and resist the urge for rampant deception. To a seeker the old schools are a dismissal of self for the sake of deception, and the seekers rebel against that concept.
True Changeling. Finally, though very few in number, some Mirrorling took the quest for self of the Seekers school, and took it in the direction of changeling solidarity. Their changeling form was the true form, their true name the only name they needed. True Mirrorling would use their 'true' form, and true name as their general form, and only utilised their shapeshifting powers sparingly. True Mirrorling consider those of the other schools as hiding away from their heritage, and thus consider them inferior.
Mirrorling Traits
Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score increases by 2 and your Dexterity score increases by 1
Age. Mirrorlings are considered adults at the age of 10 and generally lives for about 60 years.
Alignment. Mirrorlings focus on their own journey, making them strongly individual. They generally stand neutral on the issue of order and destruction.
Size. In their natural form all Mirrorling are exactly 6 foot 9 inches and weigh 56 pounds, their size in this form is medium. Your height, weight and size vary as you transform.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Glibness. You gain proficiency in either Diplomacy or Deception.
Sculpt Flesh. During a short or long rest, you can change your appearance as per the change appearance aspect of the Alter Self spell, with the following exceptions: You can only use this ability to transform into a PC race, but are not restricted to the size or general shape requirements. This effect is permanent.
Shapechanger. As an action, you can polymorph into any small or medium humanoid form you have already taken via your sculpt flesh ability.
Languages. You can speak, read and write Common and two extra languages of your choice.
Another Eberron inspired race, the Mirrorlings are clearly inspired by Changelings. They're primary power their shapeshifting works quite differently to how the standard changelings does. Allowing for much more freedom of shifting, but at the cost of taking time to create new forms. Unlike the normal version of this power, the flesh sculpting isn't an illusion, the mirrorling actually adopts that form, making them more resilient to detection.
ReplyDeleteThe renaming was to allow for a more mythological accurate representation of changelings to be used in Theril.