Thursday, 1 December 2016

Races of Theril: The Naga

Proud and resilient, the Naga were scattered across the harshest of environs, where they eked a living in the places no other races could flourish. They build no cities, instead preferring to live in more sustainable small tribes that wander the harsh lands of Theril. Their strict honour system binding them together and preventing them from descent into barbarous hordes.
The Descendants of Survivors
The Naga were created by Shissa from the remnants of her former creations, giant reptiles who were destroyed by Paern after they threatened his balance. To ensure the survival of her creations, Shissa crafted her new beings in the shape of mortals and partitioned Silnai to make them mortals. Naga are about 8 feet long, but rarely draw themselves to more than 6 feet above the ground. They have scaled skin, with a single tail appendage extending bellow their wiry but muscular torsos. Their scales come in a variety of pigments, but browns and greens are more prevalent. Their faces lack noses, as they smell by tasting the air, their eyes have slit pupils and lack eyelids. Naga's have quite wide mouths and can unhinge their jaws. They do not grow hair, but most Naga grow crests that become increasingly elaborate as they age.

Honour and Debt
Naga are bound by a strict honour system, more so than all other races. These concepts are know as Honour and Debt is different to other honour systems in two ways; the first is that the Naga themselves is the one who judges that they have debt and that Naga also determines when that debt has been repaid. The second is that it is considered dishonourable to bring up the past debt of another after it has been repaid. It is also somewhat strange in the sense that your accumulation of honour and debt are  independent of each other.
Amongst Naga it is considered a great honour amongst Naga to touch an armed enemy while themselves unarmed and to save the life of a foe, conversely being touched by an unarmed opponent or having your foe save your life are among the greatest debt. To repay this debt the Naga would demand to be taken subservient to that foe. In the case of being touched by a foe they become Peace-bound, touching no weapon and taking no part in battles for a day less than a year, following the orders of the rival clan. To repay the debt of having your life saved is to be taken Deathless, a Naga serves for the rival clan until he can save the life of one of their foes clansmen, the be taken both peace-bound and Deathless (that is to be taken Life-Bound) is a rare occurrence indeed, in this case both take effect until the Naga can satisfy both conditions.
Scales Stronger than Armour
To a Naga, the act worth the largest amount of debt is donning armour. Such is the shame that a Naga will end their life if they willingly don armour of any type. This is due to the fact that Naga put great pride in their scales, which have the ability to turn spears and arrow head as well as armour of metals. Naga take great pride in maintaining their scales, typically polishing much of it before raids. Naga wear no clothing, except when being taken peace-bound or deathless when they don a white tunic.
Driven to Toughness
Shissa created the Naga to outlive all things, after the disaster that befell her previous creations. Thus the Naga are driven to survive and become more resilient. This reflects in the lives of all Naga, who train for survival through their childhood and all throughout their lives Naga are driven to prepare for catastrophe.
Clan and Caste
The clan is a fundamental unit in Naga  culture, more so than individual families. All Naga are loyal to their clan of birth, which rarely exceeds 50 members. Within the clan there are a number of castes, the first is the Child caste; who cannot be taken peace-bound or deathless, nor are to be attacked in raids, children are recognisable by the strip of red cloth they wear around their forehead. When about 20 the young Naga approaches the Wise Ones, and presents the path they wish to take, and with their approval will discard their red band and adopt their new role in the clan. Most prestigious of the castes are the Blacksmiths, a clan tends to have only 1 or 2 full fledge blacksmiths, who cannot be taken peace-bound or deathless. The Spear and the Bow castes serve as raiders and hunters respectively. Some tribes keep a separate caste for the Shield Maiden who are guardians of the clan. Finally the Herder and Carer castes are responsible for looking after beasts and children respectively. Once assigned to a caste a naga serves that purpose for life (unless taken peace-bound or deathless), and there is equal opportunity to attain honour in each castes by performing your role well. Naga naming is complicated to explain to none-naga, only really used when talking about a naga who is not present. The name in the empathic language is an instantaneous description a Naga’s disposition and scent. When translated into the other naga languages a name gets distilled into an object, such a an animal, plant or geographical feature.
The City of the Sleeping Dragon
Some Naga are beyond the castes, these are the Wise Women who lead the clans, and the Clan Chief who lead the clans forces. To become Wise Women or Clan Chief the prospective must receive the blessing of their clan and then make a pilgrimage to the City of the Sleeping Dragon. the City of the Sleeping Dragon is the only city built by the Naga, it sits without inhabitant, located high in the mountains. Even before the breaking this trip was challenging, as located in the City of the Sleeping Dragon the prospective would face challenges they refuse to speak of. The challenge has been greatly increased as the City of the Sleeping Dragon is located at the edge of the world and spends some time outside of existence. When a Wise Woman returns successful from the trail, she has a single white scale at the centre of her forehead, when a Clan Chief returns he possesses the likeness of a red and gold dragon on his primary arm.
A Spirit of Resilience
Shissa built the Naga to last, down to their souls. The spirit of a Naga never ceases to give up, resisting death no matter how harsh the odds. Very little can break this determination, the most common source is a loss of honour.
Those that Speak
The Naga are capable of conveying complex ideas through body language and pheromones, their tongues though are incapable of the style of speech used by other races. There is one exception to this, found in The rarest of all the castes the Great Speakers. Chosen by birthright, by the will of the gods. The Great Speakers have the powers to weave magic. This caste applies to both arcane and divine casters, as the Naga consider the two functionally equivalent. They are named for their ability to ‘speak’ the complex language of hisses that Shissa speaks, allowing them to complete verbal components. The Great Speakers transcend the tribes, their talents belong to all Naga kind. They are in a sense beyond  the system of honour and debt possessing honour beyond measure for their talents, but are indebted to all Naga's  beyond repayment. The Naga are a shamanistic people, they worship the gods they can see around them. A Naga who lives by the sea will pray fervently to Posida, but if they were to journey into the mountains they would cease that worship, instead offering praise to Tersque. The Great Speakers are the exception to this generality as they  are expected to be the physical embodiment of a single deity.
The Honourless
Some Naga though are corrupted by malign energies that alter their forms and minds. These naga lose their scales and their honour. Their bite is venomous and the communicate without physical interaction. But their greatest sin is the fact that they wear armour over their scaleless skin.
The Septs
The Naga are split into cultural and physiological groups called Septs. Traditionally there were 4 Septs, but the breaking caused rapid climate change and the Naga adapted, leading to the rise of a new Sept. Naga of different Septs consider each other as outsider just as they do with members of other races.
The Desert Sept. Found in the desert, these Naga are more austere than most. The barren wastes teaches how to conserve in all things; food, water, wood, even words. The skin of these Naga are browns of varying colours, with light and dark matching the sands where they grew up. The naga of the desert sept have developed a language of three stroke characters often written in the sand, the stagnant deserts hold the script for some time. Naga of this sept pray most often to Pharlor.
The Jungle Sept. At a glance some feel the life of a Jungle Sept Naga is one of plenty compared to other Naga Septs, this is an illusion. Though more plentiful in life and water, the Jungles of Massalia are a harsh lands. The vast majority of species of plants and animals are poisonous, and the two great waterways that traverse these areas are dangerous to spend time about. In the nights the air is thick with insects, many of which carry horrible diseases. For the naga of this Sept it is knowledge that maintains survival; knowledge of what's safe to eat, where the freshest sources of water can be attained and what plants offer cure to the ailments that stricken the jungle. The jungle floors are hazardous, so these naga have become masters of moving in the trees. Life in the jungle has been made harder still after the breaking, by the appearance of strange reptiles of vast stature, which now compete for the limited resources available. Nagas of this sept are of green hues, best to fit in amongst the foliage. The Naga of this sept speak a language of hand signs, as communication doesn't need to occur at distance. Naga of this sept often worship Arbus.
The Swamp Sep. The way of life of this sept has been all but annihilated. The vast marsh that once covered the northern tip of Massalia were submerged by the rising sea levels. Some few clans have retained a living in the small areas of marshlands left, but many struck out into the newly formed mangrove to eke a living there. The remaining naga of this sept have fallen low, forsaking the ways of Honour and Death for a life of savagery, to outsiders, naga of this sept are considered no more than animals. They share a pallid blue to pale green colouration with their descendants the Mangrove Sept.
The Mangrove Sept. Much of the lands that were once marsh have been turned into mangroves, deciding not to eke a living in the vanishing marshes most of the former swamp sept set out to live a life at the ocean's borders. Naga of this sept have become incredible swimmers, and have mastered the art of retaining breath for long periods of time. There is much food to be attained in the mangrove, but the greatest challenge is to attain fresh drinking water. So hard it is to acquire, that the naga of this sept have taken to diluting all fresh water with salt water, and even though few generations have passed since the forming of this sept, naga of this sept are now capable of tolerating much stronger dilutions. The drawback is that they no longer can stomach pure water, which makes them quite ill. Mangrove naga that travel abroad must bring salt to season their drinking water with to prevent this from happening.
The Mountain Sept. The smallest of all the septs, these naga live in the harshest of conditions. High in the mountains of Massalia, the rain cannot reach, and the lands are dry and airless. Yet somehow these naga survive in such severe conditions, drawing water from the stones and sustaining their livestock on sparse nutrition. The naga of this sept are considered greatest of all the septs for their choice of home is by far the hardiest. Yet still their numbers dwindle. The naga of this sept speak in addition to the Naga tongue a tonal language of whistles, which can be heard at great distances over the mountains. There scales are a variety of greys in colour
Naga Traits

Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases by 2 and your Wisdom score increases by 1
Age. Naga are considered adults at about the age of 20 and generally lives well into their second century.
Alignment. Despite their lack of language, Naga lead highly ordered lives, and are opposed to individuals and those who bring about destruction.
Size. From head to tail Naga grow to be about 11 foot long, but rarely draw themselves above 6 feet off the ground. Your size is medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 25 feet.
Empathic Communication. You do not communicate using spoken words, instead communicating through body language and scent. You can communicate freely with other Naga within 30ft so long as you can see and smell them, but cannot be comprehended by Non-Naga. You are incapable of using spoken languages, though you can comprehend them. You have disadvantage on all Charisma checks that would normally require verbal communication.
Armoured Scales. You have natural armour +2 and you have resistance to piercing damage. You cannot where armour.
Languages. You can read and write Common and one extra language of your choice.
Jungle Naga
The naga of the jungles are lithe climbers, accustomed to life in the trees. Their green scales adapted to life in the lush but perilous Jungles of Massalia. Their language of hand signs are capable of communicating more intricate ideas then naga empathy, but it is developed to occur only over short distances, as the jungle inhibits long distance communications.
Tree-dwellers. You have a climb speed of 30ft and you roll with advantage on Acrobatics and Athletics checks to move through dense foliage or trees.
Hand Sign Language. In addition to any other modes of communication, you know and can communicate using a language composed of hand gestures.
Mangrove Naga
The naga of the mangrove have adjusted rapidly to their new homes, swamps that have flooded into salt water mangroves. Naga of this sept tend towards turquoise or sandy coloured scales to blend into the shores and shallows. They have developed a language of clicks which are produced without releasing airs, which is muddy when used above water but travels quite far beneath the water.
Sea Serpent. You have a swim speed of 30ft and can hold your breath for 15 minutes.
Clicking Language.  In addition to any other modes of communication you, know and can communicate using a language composed of rapid clicks of varying rhythm.
Desert Naga
The naga of the deserts have learnt how to eke a living out of the dry wastes and shifting sands. Mostly nomadic, with herds of desert dwellers that the traffic from oasis to oasis. Their scales are coloured yellows and brown. They have developed a script that they write in the sand, as there is little shifting in much of the sand, scripts can last for weeks, allowing communication between the scarce population of the deserts.
Sand Scavengers. You gain proficiency in Survival and you have advantage on all survival checks to forage for food and water.
Desert's Endurance. You can focus yourself to occasionally shrug off injury. When you take damage, you can use your reaction to roll a d12. Add your Constitution modifier to the number rolled, and reduce the damage by that total. After you use this trait, you can’t use it again until you finish a short or long rest.
Symbolic Language.  In addition to any other modes of communication you know and can communicate using a language composed of three stroke symbols, both when written in the air or on a physical surface.
Mountain Naga
The naga of the mountains are considered hardiest of all naga. Cursed with scarce food and water they are masters of enduring. Their scales are tones of grey with some being almost white. They have devoloped a language of whistles, that bounce of the mountains allowing communication at a distance, even beyond sight.
Durable. You have advantage on Death Saves.
Whistled Language.  In addition to any other modes of communication, you know and can communicate using a language composed of tuned whistles.
Scaleless Naga
Though rare, those that fall to Malign influences become scaleless. Their name is a bit of a misnomer, they in fact still have scales but they are concealed below a layer of pulpy skin. Their bites are quite venomous, which is considered a dishonour, as naga loath the use of toxins. Their worst dishonour though is their use of armour. The scales are gifted with telepathy, this doesn't help the nagas image with other races, as the only ones who can communicate readily outside of Massalia are those with corrupt intent.
Scaleless. You do not gain the Armoured scale trait. In its stead you have resistance to slashing damage. Not only can you wear armour, you have proficiency with light and medium armour.
Venomous. You can use your action to deliver a deadly bite. After making a successful unarmed strike against your target, they must make a Constitution Saving throw. The DC for this saving throw is your 8 + Constitution modifier + your proficiency bonus. The target takes 2d6 Poison Damage on a failed save, and half as much damage on a successful one. Further if the target fails their save they gain the Poisoned condition. The damage increases to 3d6 at 6th level, 4d6 at 11th level and 5d6 at 16th level.
Telepathy. You can communicate telepathically with any creature you can see within 30 feet of you. You don't need to share a common language with the creature for it to understand your telepathic utterance, but the creature must be able to understand at least one language.
Malignant. When making  Charisma (Deception), Charisma (Persuasion) or Charisma (Performance) checks against creatures without this trait you do not add your proficiency bonus.

1 comment:

  1. I figured I'd start putting my commentry into the comments. Seems to make more sense that way.

    The naga were origonaly going to be designed with a oriental feeling, based on the Yuan-Ti, but in the end I decided to drop the connection entirely and instead developed them to have a more strange culture. It was around that decision I decided to swap their language out to a non-verbal one, with the idea that many of the other races of Theril not even realising the extent of nagan intelligence.
