These beings were once human, now fallen into savagery. Animalistic in both appearance and behaviour, the Ferals form tight night tribes or leading their adopted kin the Orcs in vast hordes.
Betrayers of Peace
The Ferals were once humans, but they turned away from the peace of Shais and embraced Ogrum's war. The fall of the Ferals was the deed of Olimick, who appeared to humans across Theril and convinced them that the only path to peace was a war to end all others. Shais was disgusted by the eagerness and fervour which these humans took to war and revoked her blessings from them. This had the unfortunate effect of removing these traitors desire for peace, driving them to even greater acts of war.
Broken and Scattered People
Unlike their peaceful kin, the Ferals do not organise themselves into kingdoms and empires, instead forming small tight knit tribal groups, rarely exceeding a family or two. These clans are insular and rarely come together. Instead tribes are as aggressive to each other as they are to all other outsiders. There is an exception to this, some Ferals join the Orc Horde, often serving as leaders as they are more organised then the Orcs.
War Across the Wilderness
The Ferals are the only race on Theril that come close to the Orcs appetite for war. Over the generations the Ferals have become incredibly talented in their chosen form of combat. Unlike the Orcs, Ferals do fear death and hence favour a technique of ambush warfare over the Orcs preferred strategy of horde warfare. Incredibly skilled with bows, Feral warfare favours hit and run tactics and ranged combat, rarely closing into close quarters. Every member of Feral societies have a part to play in their eternal war, men and women fighting together and children being used for diversions and confusion. Ferals fight for no real purpose simply waring for their own enjoyment though the supplies that they steal are useful, as they lead nomadic lifestyles. Feral tribes are savvy enough to avoid major population centres, instead vying for control over the deep wilderness.
Heartless and Brutal
When the Ferals fell from Shais' grace, she revoked from them all her blessings. Thus Ferals lack the concepts of peace and love in their hearts. This is the main reason that Ferals live in such small communities, even as it stands these small tribes are prone to breaking apart with startling regularity. The concept of a life partner is almost all but foreign to the Ferals, with children often being born from mothers who were captured in raids or the like.
Savage Magic
Without the patience or temperament for a true appreciation of the arcane arts, few Ferals have a capacity for magic. Some become attuned to the lands they live on and may tap into the power of nature. Far more common though, Ferals who live within Orc society learn the simple and destructive forms of magic favoured by Orcs. Those ferals that head underground in search of the power of the Ogre are often disappointed, for Tar'Zarin has a different effect on them as it does on Ogres; turning their skin potted and leathery, their eyes murky and clouded and their flesh have a soft purple glow. This is the same way true Humans react with malignance, suggesting that ferals and humans are still in some way the same.
Hatred to All
Ferals consider all other life in some way lesser to their own, even those of their kin. This disposition makes it incredibly hard for Ferals to relate to others. Some rare exceptions can suppress their bloody urges and live life amongst the more civilized races, but these are few and far between. The Ferals extend their distaste for other life to the gods as well, offering no worship even before the breaking of the world. After the breaking the tribes were quick to forget even the existence of the gods, and instead turned to a form of ancestor worship.
A Life of Violence
From the day they are born a Feral's life is dominated by violence. Their mothers usually perishing in childbirth or soon after from violence, younglings must look after themselves. Scavenging for food in the community when they are young and trying to contribute in exchange for food as they grow older. The line between adult and child is blurred, though a Feral reaches maturity at the age of 8 it is not uncommon for a feral to have already had children by this time. Bloodshed is the most likely cause of death for a Feral all throughout their life; children often killing each other in an attempt to secure food, and adults are often killed in combat both inside the tribe and with enemies. Surprisingly enough it is Ferals in Orc communities that are likely to live out full lives, with very few making it to half a century.
Chosen by Ogrum
The constant warring of the Ferals attracted the attention of Ogrum, whom the Ferals began to worship fervently. In return Ogrum shaped the Ferals, into more brutish forms appropriate for their war-hunger. Ferals appear almost human, but take on a more bestial appearance, though the specifics of their bestial nature varies by tribes. They may also worship regionally appropriate deities, such as Frigaes in colder climates, or Pharlor in deserts.
Feral Souls
It is the soul that seperates a Feral from a human infact. For it is in the soul that Shais’ curse and Ogrum’s blessing lies. Conditions that disrupt the soul, such as Malignancy, reshapes Ferals into something more akin to what humans look like. Ferals who bear attunement to the planes for example, though retaining their physical characteristics take on personality akin to their element, freeing themselves from their eternal hatred.
The Diverse Tribes
Not all Ferals look the same, there are six broad categories of Ferals which share common features. It is not necessarily true that these different types of Ferals are geographically separated but this is mostly the case. Ferals of different types are never found in the same clan though. Different tribes are found in different geographical regions.
Tundra Tribes. In the frozen north the Elkstride and Wolfpack rule. Often competing for territory and resources in the harsh north, these Ferals adapt to conditions differently. The Elkstride migrate regularly, herding to survive. The Wolfpacks are much more territorial and rely on raiding and hunting. Both have taken to worshiping Frigaes, and have great respect for the frost giants.
Forrest Tribes. The Ferals of the forrests of Theril compete with elves to survive. Almost hunted to extinction. Bearhide, Elkstride and Wolfpack all have fleeting holds on the forest, but most are inevitably pushed into the planes.
Plains Tribes. The Ramhorns, Boartusks and Catclaws roam the plains, pestering caravans and generally disrupting trade. They are most frequently found in the north east of Old Theris, though some more bold can be found on the inner coasts.
Horde Tribes. Some tribes of Ferals are found among the Orc hordes. Most frequently joining the Horde is the Boartusks, though some Ramhorns and Wolfpacks also join. Among the horde Ferals tend to rise to positions of leadership.
Broken Tribes. Few tribes survive in the Broken Lands, but the Catclaws manage to eek an existence from scavenging land trade between the Shallow seas and Brekngrunhelm.
Feral Traits
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 1.
Age. Ferals reach adulthood in their early teens and are unlikely to live past a half century.
Alignment. Ferals tend towards individuality and destruction, they live in small tribes that roam the countryside fighting amongst themselves.
Size. Ferals vary widely in height and build depending on their animalistic nature, from barely 5 feet to well over 6 feet tall. Regardless of your position in that range, you size is medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 35 feet.
Bestial Nature. You gain a feature that depends on your subrace, described below.
Headstrong. You have advantage on saving throws against being frightened.
Hardy. Your hit point maximum increases by 1, and it increases by 1 each time you gain a level.
Languages. You can read and write Common.
Bearhide Feral
Taller and Broader than most other Ferals, Bearhide Ferals are coated in coarse fur and thick skin. Commonly found in the sparse forest in the North of Old Theris. Less outwardly aggressive than other types of Ferals, they are much more likely to simply isolate themselves from other tribes or races. That said they are fiercely territorial and are much more likely to live alone than in tribes.
Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases by 1.
Powerful Build. You count as one size larger when determining your carrying capacity and the weight you can push, drag, or lift.
Bestial Nature. When unarmored, your AC is equal to 11 + your dexterity modifier.
Ramhorn Feral
Short and Nimble, Ramhorn Ferals can be found in the mountainous regions all across Theril, with the exception of those on Massalia. They live in surprisingly large tribes of four or five families and eke a living by raiding caravans that move through exposed mountain passes.
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 1.
Mountains Stubbornness. You can focus yourself to occasionally shrug off injury. When you take damage, you can use your reaction to roll a d12. Add your Constitution modifier to the number rolled, and reduce the damage by that total. After you use this trait, you can’t use it again until you finish a short or long rest.
Bestial Nature. You have a climb speed of 30ft.
Elkstride Feral
Native to the Frozen Wastes, the Elkstride Ferals are the most isolated of all the Feral types. Tall and with lanky limbs, they sport tuffs of fur across their body and tend to decorate themselves with the pelts and antlers of the beast from which they get their name. Elkstride Ferals spend more time fighting with each other then most types of Ferals, bit have out of necessity become herders.
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 1.
Fleeting Stride. You have proficiency in the stealth skill. You can attempt to hide even when you are only partially obscured, such as by tall grass, falling snow or other natural phenomena.
Bestial Nature. Your base walking speed increases to 40 feet.
Wolfpack Feral
Perhaps amongst the most savage of the Ferals, the Wolfpack Ferals sport golden yellow eyes and keen senses. They are ubiquitous in most of the wilderness of Old Theris. The tribes form skilled hunting packs that are incredibly effective at seeking the kill, but often get torn apart when times are tough. When a pack disperses often some seek out the Orc hordes to join their ranks, whereas others may try to join new packs and begin the hunt anew.
Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases by 1.
Savage Attack. When you score a critical hit with a melee weapon attack you can roll one of the weapon's damage die one additional time and add it to the extra damage of the critical hit.
Darkvision. Accustomed to hunting at night, you have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern colour in darkness, only shades of grey.
Bestial Nature. Whenever you make an Wisdom (Perception) check that relies on sound or smell, you are considered proficient in the Perception skill and add double your proficiency bonus to the check, instead of your normal proficiency bonus.
Boartusk Feral
Short and Stocky, the Longtusk Ferals sport two tusks from which they draw their name. Hyper-aggressive, these are the Ferals who are most likely to be seen joining with the orc-hordes and are often found wherever the hordes are.
Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by 1.
Relentless Endurance. When you are reduced to 0 hit points but not killed outright you can drop to one hitpoint instead. You cannot use this ability again until you finish a long rest.
Bestial Nature. If you move at least 20 feet in a straight line and then hit a target with a melee attack on the same turn the target takes an extra 1d6 slashing damage from your tusks. If the target is a creature, it must succeed a saving throw with DC equal to 8 + your Strength Modifier + your proficiency bonus or be knocked prone.
Catclaw Feral
Lithe and Nimble, Catclaw Ferals are often found in the deserts of Broken Lands. Catclaw Ferals posess sharp claws and keen eyes. Preying on caravans that move through the region, these ferals form tight-knit but small tribes.
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 1.
Nimble. You have proficiency in the Acrobatics skill. You can move through the square of any creature that is of the same size or larger than yours.
Bestial Nature. You can make an unarmed strike as a bonus action with an empty hand. You can use your Dexterity for its attack roll and damage bonus, and this attack deals 1d3 slashing damage.
Sharkfin Feral
Bulging and Powerful, the Sharkfin Ferals a dorsal fin, sharp teeth and leathery skin. Blood-thirsty, these Ferals roam the oceans and seas of Theril looting and pillaging.
Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by 1.
Powerful Swimmer. You have a swim speed of 30 feet.
Bestial Nature. You can breathe in air and water.
The Ferals were certainly inspired by the Shifters of Eberron, but with a different story and mechanical implementation. I wanted to have a variety of animal kin in races in the game, and I feel that this implementation works quite well, with plenty of variety without cumbersome mechanics like 'shifting'.