Sunday, 20 November 2016

Deities of Theril Part 1

The Gods of the Gods
These are the most powerful beings in the cosmos. Each have the ability to unweave reality itself, and in the end are to the other deities, what deities are to mortals.

The Gamaester
This mysterious being first created the Astral Plane, and from it awoke Joil. He also awoke Firas, Wayith, Tersque, Auria, Jerthos and Silnai from their respective elemental planes. The Gamaester has had no further interaction with the world since then, and is hardly heard of, let alone worshiped by mortals.

Joil, the Overbeing
Joil is the master of the Astral plane, and the one who created the elemental planes. Joil is a being of order, who attempts to control the chaos of the lesser deities. Joil despises Theril, as it was not part of the original design, and hence accepts no mortal followers. Active discouragement of worship has lead the mortals Theril to not worship this strange being.

The Primordial Deities
The Primordial Deities, often refered to as the Primordials, were awakened from the 6 Elemental Planes. Together they danced and created Theril, and also birthed new gods. They are deities of great power, and have control over the very stuff that the mortal world is built from. Joil imprisoned them on their own planes, but the influence of the Primordeals is still felt across the pantheon and the mortal realm.

Firas, Goddess of Fire
Awoken from the plane of fire, and contributed greatly to the early construction of Theril, but an argument with Wayith brought an end to her contribution. Firas was blessed with numerous children; birthing Pelos together with Silnai, the twins Vaen and Silicia with Tersque and the twins Shais and Ogrum with Caresh. Firas is all about duality, fire grants the power to create but also destroys, this is also reflected in her children, with Firas have twins that share similar, but opposite natures

Wayith, God of Water
Awoken from the plane of water, Wayith refused to contribute so long as Firas took an active role in the creation of Theril. This argument eventually caused Firas to withdraw, and Wayith spread water across the the face of Theril. Wayith had few children; birthing Posida and Nalar with Silnai and Telor and Frigaes with Auria. Wayith is patient, willing to wait for his plans to come to fruition, and yet ever changing.

Tersque, God of Earth
Awoken from the plane of earth, Tersque contributed greatly to the construction of Theril, impart due to a competition with Auria, and also due to the help of Silnai. His efforts were greatly regarded as he had many children; Birthing Selus, Caris, Mysth, Arbus and Parn with Silnai, the Twins Vaen and Silicia with Firas, Dramnet and Pharlor with Auria and Belough with Caris. Tersque is proud and unyielding, but also single-minded in his actions. 

Auria, Goddess of Air
Awoken from the plane of air, Auria competed with Tersque in the construction of Theril, at first filling Terques solid halls with space, and in the end surrounding Theril thickly in a sheet of air, after terque became distracted from the act of creation. Auria's focus on shaping the surface of Theril kept her preocupied from birthing children, and thus she had only three, Telor and Frigaes with Wayith and as a sign of the end of their competition, Dramnet and Pharlor with Tersque. Auria is swift to take action, but hold a single course for only breif periods of time, often leaving works unfinished.

Kerthos, God of Death
Awoken from the plane of negative energy, Kerthos refused to partake in the act of creation, instead he remained in isolation on his plane. Kerthos despised his opposite Silnai more than any other gods, and placed a curse on her that all her creations will lead to ruin. When Kerthos witnessed Silnai's anguish at the brokenness of her first daughter he enjoyed it greatly. Kerthos sought to undo the acts of the other gods, ensuring that everything slowly decays and dies. With every death, particularly of humanoids who carry with them a part of Silnai's power, Kerthos grew stronger. During the gods war it was Kerthos turned the tide of battle, and it was Kerthos who reaped the reward, as the god of death it was to him that much of the power of Joil went, in this event of cataclysmic proportion Kerthos unleashed a vast amount of necrotic energy, which accidently brought the dead of Theril into unlife.

Silnai, Goddess of Life
Awoken from the plane of positive energy, Silnai did not contribute directly to the creation of Theril, instead she danced with the other gods, restoring their vigour. Silnai's presence on during the creation of Theril filled it with light. Her first child Selus was effected by Kerthos' curse and this drove Silnai to despair, and she hid herself, plunging the plane into darkness, and making it the responsibility of her children to bring light to Theril. Selus did not leave her plane until Selus tore herself asunder into Caris and formed Mysth, who removed the curse on her. After this she had many children, birthing Arbus and Parn with Tersque, Pelos with Firas, Posida and Nalar with Wayith, Nurlin with Caris, Pelmyt with Pelos, Yonet with Arbus and Yasar with Caresh. Silnai also created the dwarves as a gift to her favoured love Tersque.

We've met these entities before in the history of the world, but here we go into more detail about the movers and shakers in the creation of the world. By the time the game starts these deities though don't play an important role in the world, The Gamaester set the wheels turning and then left, Joil was slain during the gods war, and the Primordeals are still bound the the elemental planes with their powers greatly diminished. In the next post we will introduce the Elder deities, that is most of the gods and goddesses introduced as the children.

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