The firstborn of all mankind, the Dwarves were awakened while the Primordeals still moved across the face of the earth, and have endured every hardship that befell the world since then. Their wondrous halls were built with grandeur deep into the roots of mountains long before even the elves had stirred.
The Children of Stone
The Goddess Silnai breathed life into the stones of Theril, and forged them into the Dwarves as a gift to her favored lover, Terque. Dwarfkind bears Tersque likeness; they are short standing much shorter than 5ft, but are so broad and dense that they weigh as much as the taller races, such as humans, who stand 2 feet taller. Their skin is coloured similarly to stone they were raised from; ranging from a deep brown to a paler hue tinged with red, with a soft brown or deep tan being the more common hue. Their hair is grown long, but is neatly kept, and tends to black or brown, with the lighter dwarves tending to have redder hair. Male Dwarves are particularly fond of their beards, which they keep well groomed, though they tend to have less hair up top.
Ancient Wars, Long Grudges
Dwarfdoms first opponents were found in the Dragons, who often competed for the same homes and resources as them. Both petitioned the children of Tersque, the dwarves earning the favor of Vaen, who taught the dwarves how to fashion arms and armour from metal. Thus began their obsession with the glittering bounty of the earth, dwarf holds being filled with the ringing hammer and pick and the roar of hot furnaces. In the end the Dwarves defeated the Dragons, but dwarves are slow to forgive, and a great distaste for their offspring, the dragonkin, is felt by most of Dwarfdom.
Craftsmanship and Ingenuity
The dwarves were not only blessed by Vaen, but also by one of his sons, Omnis. Dwarves became master of not metal but also machines, creating wondrous devices that improved their quality of life, industrial power, and combat efficiency. They looked down upon the knowledge of magic when it was revealed to all races, preferring to rely on the machinations they had come to know. Every dwarf has a natural affinity for machines, moreover they are blessed by Omnis such that machines will rarely fail in the hands of a dwarf.
Bound to the Earth
Every dwarf has a deep set connection with the earth, they draw comfort and calm from its order and stability. Many dwarves live their entire life with two feet firmly on the ground, some still never see the open sky. Those that do take to the sea and sky often describe a longing to be back on solid ground, many of these adventurous dwarves carry with them a simple stone, often referred to as a soothe stone, which they can often be seen holding and rubbing. Parents to be will often go on great pilgrimages to have their children on solid ground, and even then children who spend most of their life at sea or in the sky will still make a concerted effort to spend time on solid ground. For every dwarf, it is important to be laid to rest in contact with solid stone, even those who lived out their life away from it.
Solidarity and Loyalty
Dwarves are almost entirely self-sufficient, their clans stand separate from each other, and very little interaction occurs between them. To their clan though a dwarf is fiercely loyal, and would willingly lay down their life for their clansmen. Dwarves regard those who are not of their clan with indifference or suspicion, and it often takes up to a century for a dwarf to forge a friendship outside of their clan. This is due to the rather long lifetime of a dwarf, a dwarf can expect to see their fourth century and thus their concept of friendship is much slower than the short lived races. If a dwarf spends a fair amount of time with an organization or group, they will eventually come to consider them their clan too, and are just as loyal to their group as they were to their clan. Note that dwarves are quite singular in their loyalty, if they are loyal to some group they are such to the exclusion of all others, including their clan. Dwarves who in this way renounce their clan, will often cease to use their clan name, replacing it either with their childhood name or some nickname of their choosing.
Names and Coming of Age
A dwarf is considered 'nameless' for the first half century of their life, and will be referred to only as their fathers son or mothers daughter for male and female dwarflings respectively. During their fiftieth year, a dwarfling will have their namesday, where the dwarf will take on their clansname and choose a name for themselves. It is strictly forbidden for a dwarf to take on the name of any of their immediate family, though choosing to name themselves after an ancestor is allowed, if not encouraged. The name they take is something of a promise, a dwarf chooses a name because they strive to embody that name; so for example, if they were to take the name of an ancestor, it is an oath to walk the path that ancestor took. Also during their namesday, either their family or their clan will bestow upon the dwarfling some kind of heirloom, which can either be symbolic or practical, needless to say, this heirloom is of great value to the dwarf it is bestowed to and will be cherished. Dwarves also accumulate nicknames, as they accomplish deeds, so an older dwarf can have quite a long name if they had an illustrious career.
The Worship of the Gods
In general, dwarves only interact with a small number of gods. Every dwarf pays homage to their father Tersque, with each dwarfhold housing a large temple in his honour. Many dwarves also give homage to Venn and Omnis, for their gifts to dwarfkind can be seen all around them. Most dwarves have a distaste for Dramnet and Silicia and all fear Belough for her dark vengeance.
Dwarven Souls
It is the soul of the dwarf that binds them to stone, and is the source of their stubbornness and sense strong sense of tradition. Further every dwarf carries in their soul a blessing from Omnis, an assurance that he will watch over and protect them from the failings of Machines.
The Tongue of Stone
Dwarves claim that they were taught to speak by Tersque himself, and this claim seems to hold some truth, as the Dwarven tongue is incredibly similar the languages of both earth elementals and Dragons. It is filled with hard sounds and numerous consonance, and will often replace soft consonance like s, c and w with harder sounds like z, k, and v.
The Remaining Clans
Though for an individual dwarf, there was little impact from the breaking of the world, Dwarfkind suffered greatly. This is because many of the Dwarfholds simply ceased to exist. Only 7 holds can still be found on the face of Theril, of these one was so close to the world border almost all its clansmen have died, and three have been abandoned due to incursions. A brief description of the 7 clans is below.
Clan Irnverst. The dwarves of Clan Irnverst (Iron Fist) were masters of machines even by Dwarven standards. They built numerous hulking men of metal to perform much of their labour for them. It was because of this that many of their skilled craftsmen were found beyond the confines of their hold, as their skills were in great demand by others and a lucrative trade could be made abroad. This is fortunate, for those who were in Irnversthelm during the breaking simply did not survive. The hold is so close to the worlds edge that it spends some time outside of existence, which is known to be fatal to anything living. Few attempts have been made to recover anything in Irnversthelm, due to this threat, though many dream of the technological secrets that could be uncovered. The surviving clansmen formed a priesthood to the God Omnis, which became the Cult of the Machine. Even during the absence of the Gods, the Cult of the Machine were strong in faith, after all their gods blessings still abounded and in a world without magic and the divine their skills were of great use. The cult grew, adopting members from all races who were willing to learn of the gifts and rites of the machine.
Clan Daknsvlud. The dwarves of Clan Daknsvlud (Dragons Blood) were the 'frontline' in the war against dragonkind. Not in the sense that they defended Dwarfkind from the draconic threat, but more because their hold in particular was a target for draconic incursion. Early in their history Daknsvludhelm was discovered to house the greatest of all gemstones, the Eye of the World, a diamond of 10ft radius. The eye of the world was greatly desired by dragonkind, though the dwarves of clan Daknsvlud kept it more to spite their foe than any other reason. More than other dwarves, the Dwarves of clan Daknsvlud were proud of their mighty warriors, both alive and fallen. The priests of Daknsvuld developed an incredible technique for embalming which preserved the body perfectly. This technique was used to preserve the bodies of fallen warriors, which they then dressed in the arms and armour they used in life and placed on stone plinths all about the hold. In the eyes of the Dwarves of Daknsvlud, the corpses will act as a charm to protect the living. This was not the case. During the breaking of the world, just like everywhere on Theril, the dead awoke from their slumber, but in Daknsvludhelm the dead were limber, armed and armoured. It was a massacre, many fell as the dwarves at first attempted to hold their home. But the hordes of undead overwhelmed them, the survivors fled their ancestral home and have not returned since. Not all was lost though, the Eye of the World was saved, and was traded to Emperor Krasus for a position of honour and prestige in his new Empire. Clan Daknsvlud re-established its hold during the age of expansion, when they colonised the elemental plane of fire.
Clan Depnirn. The dwarves of Clan Depnirn (Deep Iron) were renowned for their audacity and skill at mining. Far into the earth do the mines of Depnirnhelm extend, and from these mines many of the more exotic minerals were extracted, such as Mithral, Adamentine, but most notably a unique metal found only in their mines; deep iron. Their deep mines became a curse after the Deep Dark became inhabited, soon much of the mining was forced to cease as the Dwarves of Depnirnhelm traded picks for weapons as they defended their home from the hordes of dark denizens. They became experts of fighting in the confined spaces of their deepest mines and the war lasted for millennia without any resolution. After the breaking of the world, the war subsided for a time, but then expectantly with the assistance of shades, a large Deurgar army captured Depnirnhelm, and it has yet to be recaptured. The dwarves of Clan Depnirn took refuge with their close relatives and longtime ally, the dwarves of clan Gudsfurje, until Depnirnhelm was re-established during the age of expansion on the elemental plane of earth.
Clan Brekngrun. The dwarves of Clan Brekngrun (Broken Ground) are the only other humanoid on the continent of Massalia, the home of the Naga. Brekngrunhelm did not burrow as deep into the ground like other dwarfholds, instead it was constructed at the base of a vast ravine. Unlike typical dwarvesm their cities were built upward, not down; clinging to the walls of the vast ravine. This allowed them to better access to the river that flowed through Brakngrunhelm, a most valuable resource indeed in the dry deserts of Massalia. Like the lands the Dwarves of Clan Brekngrun grew hardy and resilient, during the breaking of the world, though the land of Massalia was shaken they were not perturbed. Yet, the Naga grew more aggressive and what was once a minor boarder skirmish became a deesperate war. Worse still, the river began to dry. The dwarves of clan Brekngrun decided to cut their losses and migrated away from their ancestral home on a fleet of great airships, a Brekngrun invention. The dwarves of clan Brekngrun rebuilt their home among the peeled rock. A vast field where the ground has curled up in vast spires. Their new home is windy, as they have carved their home into the peels and the wind howls through them. Everything they need is drawn from thin air, as they have constructed strange devices that can extract moisture from the clouds that pass through the spires.
Clan Gudsfurje. The dwarves of Clan Gudsfurje (God's Forge) were greatly blessed by Venn, for it was in their hold that the god of metals built the first forge. It is a vast structure, fueled by molten rock extracted deep within the earth and infused with divine energies. Their exports of Gudsfurjehelm are considered second to none, for the blacksmiths and founders of Clan Gudsfurje have incredible skill, and nowhere else in Theril has such a mighty foundry been built. Long has Gudsfurje had strong ties to their neighbours, Clan Deonirn, for they would supply their fore with the rarest of metal ores, from which the most potent of allows could be built. After the breaking, the magic of the forge failed, but that did failed to stop the fires of industry in Gudsfurje. After the gods war, the Metals Machine was brought to Gudsfurjehelm, and once more the great Gods Forge produces the and rarest of allows, particularly as new ores are being discovered on the other plains.
Clan Stunriz. The dwarves of Clan Stunriz (Stone Rise) are an oddity amongst their own kind, forgoing the typical architecture and building style of their people and instead building their hold upon Therils Surface. Stunrizhelm was the first city to be built on Therils surface, and became somewhat of a model on city construction. The dwarves of Clan Stunriz were desired by their neighbors for their skills in quarrying, architecture terraforming. They tackled problems that normal dwarves did not, like how to provide water to all residents, and the safe disposal of waste, and their solutions of both technology and design have become staples for most cities. Stonrizhelm is the largest and most heavily fortified city on Therils surface, it’s walls never being all but impenetrable and the hold can survive indefinitely under siege.
Clan Frustherth. The dwarves of Clan Frustherth (Frost Hearth) are more isolated then their other brethren, their home being north of Irnversthelm, deep in the frozen wastes. Here their ownly regular contact outside of their clan are roving bands of Frost Giants and orcs. Their home is simple, even by dwarven standards. Further, the dwarves of Frustherthhelm are a people of few words and plain ways, often leaving them the subject of derision by others. That said they are master of the cold, an expedition into the frozen wastes is considered suicided without the aid of a Frustherth guide. After the breaking The frozen wastes proximity to the Words Edge caused the appearance of many strange and useful resources, over which Clan Frustherth have maintained a monopoly.
Dwarf Traits
Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases by 2.
Age. Dwarves age at a similar rate to humans, but are considered adults at the age of 50 and generally live well into their fourth century.
Alignment. Dwarves value community above the self and tend towards order and away from individuality. They hold long grudges though and towards destruction.
Size. Standing between 4 and 5 feet, dwarves are much broader and dense then other races typically weighing about 150 pounds on average. Your size is medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 25 feet. Your speed is not reduced by wearing heavy armour.
Darkvision. Accustomed to life underground, you have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern colour in darkness, only shades of grey.
Dwarven Toughness. Your hit point maximum increases by 1, and it increases by 1 each time you gain a level.
Languages. You can speak, read and write Common and Dwarvish.
Clan Dwarf
These proud and noble dwarves have maintained their commitment to their clans though many trials, and heve not fallen ill of the taint. Their appearance varies depending on which clan they are in.
Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases by 1.
Dwarven Resilience. You have advantage on saving throws against poison, and you have resistance against poison damage.
Clan Trait. You gain the following benefit depending on your choice of clan.
Clan Irnverst. You have proficiency with tinker's tools
Clan Daknsvlud. You have proficiency with the battleaxe, light hammer, warhammer, and heavy crossbow .
Clan Depnirn. Whenever you make an Intelligence (History) check related to the origin of stonework, you are considered proficient in the History skill and add double your proficiency bonus to the check, instead of your normal proficiency bonus.
Clan Brekngrun. You have proficiency with vehicles (airship)
Clan Gudsfurje. You have proficiency with smith's tools
Clan Stunriz. You have proficiency with mason's tools
Clan Frustherth. You have resistance to cold damage
Molten Dwarf
In the depths of the earth there are pockets of corruption that twist the dwarves to burning rage. Dwarves who become corrupted by the Malign are cast out of their clans as they cease to be stable and reliable. These corrupted dwarves are hateful and aggressive and possess powers of fire. Their flesh becomes like copper, they loose their hair and their heads spew forth fire constantly.
Molten dwarves are, in general, much more aggressive then their kin, and are incredibly unstable. Their clans will always ostracise a molten dwarf, leading to their nickname; the clanless. Molten dwarves are found most often deep underground, where they have established their own communities around malign sources.
Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score increases by 1.
Flaming Skull. You give of illumination as if targeted by the Light spell and you have resistance to fire damage. The light cannot be concealed, when making Dexterity (Stealth) checks to not be seen roll with disadvantage.
Burning Arcana. You know the fire bolt cantrip. Charisma is your spell casting ability for it.
Spit Fire. You can use your action to exhale fire in a 15 foot cone. When you spit fire, each creature in the affected area must make a Dexterity saving throw. The DC for this saving throw is equals 8 + your Charisma Modifier + your proficiency bonus. A creature takes 2d6 damage on a failed save, and half as much damage on a successful one. The damage increases to 3d6 at 6th level, 4d6 at 11th level, and 5d6 at 16th level. After you use this ability, you can't use it again until you complete a short or long rest.
Malignant. When making Charisma (Deception), Charisma (Persuasion) or Charisma (Performance) checks against creatures without this trait you do not add your proficiency bonus.